Digital Services Terms and Conditions Database

Unveiling Transparency in the Digital World

Why this Database?

Online terms and conditions can be a source of confusion and frustration. They're sometimes untransparent or unspecific, and prone to frequent changes, leaving users and businesses in the dark about their rights and obligations. This database leverages obligations for digital services to make their contracts available in an easily accessible and machine-readable format (cf. Article 14 of Regulation 2022/2065) and obligations of online platforms, including social media, app stores and market places, to publish clear and complete contracts both for professional users (cf. Article 3 of Regulation 2019/1150) as well as for end users (cf. Article 14 Regulation 2022/2065). By automatically indexing the contracts, the database offers insights into the often-elusive world of digital agreements.
The database uses open source software developed by Open Terms Archive, a French initiative under the political sponsorship of France’s ambassador for digital affairs, with support from the Commission’s next-generation Internet programme.

Supported by Crowdsourcing

Our database now encompasses 790 terms and conditions from more than 400 services provided by over 290 distinct service providers such as Apple, Meta, Microsoft and more. These entries include a variety of documents like Commercial Terms, Developer Terms, Live Policy, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and more, offering a comprehensive view of the digital legal landscape. However, this is just the beginning. Through crowdsourcing with verified users, these numbers will continue to rise, ensuring an ever-expanding resource at your fingertips.

Automated Insights

The database’s automated system promises continuous updates. It reviews the contracts in its repository multiple times per day across the web and automatically highlights new changes, enabling users to keep up with the evolving digital landscape effortlessly.

For All Stakeholders

This initiative is a one-stop resource and offers benefits to a broad spectrum of users:
  • Regulators: Our database can assist you in tracking updates to digital services’ contracts, and in implementing different legal requirements (e.g., on online platforms providing advance notice of changes under Regulation 2019/1150).
  • Researchers: Stay up to date with real-time updates on terms and conditions, allowing you to keep your finger on the pulse of digital legal landscape.
  • Empowered Users: As a private or professional user of digital services, you have a resource to keep track of the many terms you may be subject to, helping you regain control of your online presence and digital rights.

Empowering the Digital Future

The European Commission is committed to fostering a digital future that is transparent, fair, and user centric. This database is another step towards a digital environment in line with European values and interests.
This database follows the launch of the DSA Transparency Database, which contains all content moderation decisions of online platforms.
To stay up to speed with the work of the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency, find more information here.

While the database aims to provide a comprehensive overview of digital services' terms and conditions, the inclusion of a service in this database does not prejudge its precise status under EU regulations.